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County Court Judgments

This blog concerns County Court Judgments (CCJs) and explains what they are, how they might affect your ability to obtain credit (particularly mortgages) and what actions you can take to mitigate the impact of CCJs on your credit bureau record. What is a CCJ? A CCJ is a court order registered against you if you […]

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Mortgage developments in 2023

Earlier today I read the blogs which I posted in February and March this year and realised the significant changes which have taken place in the intervening four months.  Here is an update of developments since that time and one or two tips for those with mortgages who are facing significantly increased monthly payments, especially […]

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Summary of March 2023 Budget

A ‘back to work’ budget was the theme presented by the Chancellor with measures aimed to encourage the 8 million or so economically inactive back into work. Things aren’t as bleak as forecast last November mainly due to falling energy prices and higher tax revenues. This will reduce Government borrowing this year and next by […]

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Mortgage Reviews 2

This blog follows the one which I posted on the 1 February 2023 concerning those customers with mortgage deals which will end in 2023.  Most have fixed rate arrangements in place and the new rate will inevitably be higher than they have been used to.  Firstly a rate update.  Bank of England base rate(BBR) is […]

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Mortgage Reviews

About 1,800,000 borrowers have fixed rate mortgage deals which will end in 2023.  The bad news is that rises in Bank of England base rate will inevitably mean that any new mortgage deal secured will be at a higher rate than borrowers have been used to.  Bank of England base rate is currently 3.5% and […]

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Mortgage Market Chaos

The combination of the increase in Bank of England base rate to 2.25% on the 22 September and Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini budget on the 23 September have resulted in mortgage lenders withdrawing products with little or no notice and either leaving the market for a short period or launching new higher-priced replacements.  My article this […]

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When it comes to market volatility, sometimes it’s best to stay put

The coronavirus pandemic and the recent escalation of military conflict in Ukraine have caused significant volatility in financial markets. Global stock markets plunged in early 2020 as COVID-19 swept the world, before recovering as governments and central banks launched unprecedented stimulus and, later, vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 were developed. As economies came out of […]

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